Tagged : 2021

Found 4 blog entries tagged as "2021".

It's that time of the month again! We are excited to announce January's LoLo gifts! There are so many unique, wonderful, local businesses in Middle Tennessee and it's time to celebrate them this month!

LoLo, Locals Supporting Locals, is an amazing program for your Parks REALTOR® to give to you! Each month, a completely free, new gift comes to your cell phone for you to enjoy. The gifts are selected by county and are only for local businesses, no nationwide chains!

LoLo helps remind us to shop local and support our friends and neighbors! Here are January's gifts to you!

Franklin Juice Company

Davidson & Williamson County

Since its inception in 2014, Franklin Juice Company has been resolute in its commitment to sourcing the highest

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We made it! 2021 really did come after all, and while most of us are rejoicing at the idea of a new start and making this year the best yet, it’s important we plan out how we’ll do that.

Resolutions are highly personal, and everyone has their own take and own ambitions with each one - but to kick everyone off on their own resolution journeys, we’ve pulled together some inspiration of all different kinds:

Think Wellness

No, no, not “lose weight”. Think more specific. Think about what would help you in total - mind, body, and spirit. Is it to find a form of movement that you love and do it more often? Is it to cook more often at home? Is it to simply reach for whole foods instead of packaged ones? Think about how you will feel best overall

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During our nation’s year of being quarantined at home, Americans have made bold changes to their surroundings. Now that most of us must use our limited living space to work, supervise the education of our children, and conduct distanced social interactions, we’ve begun to prioritize comfort and functionality more than ever before. Whether this year has made you long for a workspace that’s as cozy as the sweats you secretly wear to work meetings or a room that feels like an escape to an island paradise, you’ll find you’re not alone as we highlight Parks' Top Ten Interior Design Trends to Watch for in 2021.

1.) International Aesthetics

Most 2020 international travel plans were canceled, which makes this the perfect time to draw on global

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It’s no secret that most New Year’s resolutions are tossed out about a month after the tree is taken down, but this year, dear homeowner, things will be different. In 2021, you have the opportunity to make resolutions on behalf of your home rather than your waistline or still-blank journal pages, and we believe you’ll enjoy the sense of pride and wellbeing that you’ll gain as a result of sticking to them.

As homeowners, we must stay focused on saving money, maintaining and improving our homes, and keeping interior spaces organized and gleaming. Sound daunting? By following Parks' Top New Year’s Resolutions for Homeowners, you’ll have a handy guide to keep you on-track from now on.

1.) Budget for Emergencies

The average homeowner would be wise

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